AWS and its artificial intelligence.

Before the AI hype appeared in the media, Amazon Web Services (AWS) had made significant investments in artificial intelligence. And unlike many other companies, it can deliver on its promises. Companies such as Amazon Q and Bedrock are laying the foundations around the world for using the potential of artificial intelligence in their businesses.

AWS innovates extremely quickly and thoroughly in every layer responsible for AI. The company is working not only on the infrastructure needed for artificial intelligence using new GPUs, Graviton4 and Trainium2 chips but also in the software layers and new buildings.

Amazon strongly supports the development of AI, setting bold directions for its development.

AWS sees a “symbiotic relationship” between people, data and AI, emphasizing the importance of human input in future AI models. The company describes this relationship as "intelligence augmentation", where humans play a vital role in helping AI models learn and develop, with developers playing a key role here.
