ClassBIT Sciences is a versatile teaching tool. It consists of 10 student kits designed specifically for studying or teaching biosignaling in scientific disciplines. Each kit includes a variety of sensors and analytical software for a deeper understanding of biosignaling. The included biosignaling sensors are BITalino Core BT/BLE (with battery), EMG, ECG, EDA, EEG, PPG, PZT, ACC and BTN.
BITalino ClassBIT - Medical education and research
BITalino ClassBIT Sciences 10 pack Kit Biofeedback Teaching Bundle
ClassBIT Sciences is a versatile teaching tool. It consists of 10 student kits designed specifically for studying or teaching biosignaling in scientific disciplines. Each kit includes a variety of sensors and analytical software for a deeper understanding of biosignaling. The included biosignaling sensors are BITalino Core BT/BLE (with battery), EMG, ECG, EDA, EEG, PPG, PZT, ACC and BTN.
The BITalino ClassBIT science learning suite has been specifically designed for teaching science lessons and provides a comprehensive collection of resources for teachers and students.
The innovative package aims to advance understanding of biosignaling and physiological processes in fields such as physiology, psychophysiology, neuroscience, biology and sports science.
The set consists of 10 individual student packages, each equipped with state-of-the-art biosensors.
These sensors use a variety of technologies such as
- EMG to measure muscle activity,
- ECG to record heart activity,
- EDA for recording skin conductivity,
- EEG to measure brain activity,
- PPG to monitor changes in blood volume
- PZT for measuring mechanical signals.
Using an array of biosensors gives students the opportunity to put theory into practice and learn first-hand about the complexities of the human body.
The student is able to independently conduct experiments, collect and analyze data, which leads to a deeper understanding of physiological processes.
Product features:
Versatile biosensors for a wide range of tests.
Convenient, 3D printed case for protection and portability of components.
Includes OpenSignals software for comprehensive data analysis.
Easy to use and quick to set up for teaching.
Product advantages:
It promotes practical and experimental learning.
It enables detailed examination of physiological processes.
Adaptable to various learning levels and age groups.
Supports interactive and collaborative learning.
Scope of delivery of the product:
ClassBIT Sciences contains 10 individual student kits, fully assembled with 3D-printed sleeves.
Each individual student kit contains the following sensors and actuators:
1 x Assembled BITalino Core BT/BLE (battery included)
1 x Assembled electromyography sensor (EMG)
1 x Assembled electrocardiography sensor (ECG)
1 x Assembled electrodermal activity sensor (EDA)
1 x Composite electroencephalography (EEG)
1 x photoplethysmography (PPG) sensor
1 x Piezoelectric respiration sensor (PZT).
1 x assembled accelerometer (ACC) sensor
1 x assembled push button sensor (BTN)
Each individual student set contains the following accessories:
1 x grounding cable
1 x Micro USB charging cable
1 x BTH dongle
1 x gelled self-adhesive disposable Ag/AgCl electrodes (50 pieces)
2 x alcohol swabs
4 x BITalino stickers
1 x Quick Start Guide
Each individual student kit contains the following active software add-ons:
OpenSignals Mobile (Android)
OpenSignals (R)evolution (Windows, macOS, Linux)
Heart rate variability (HRV) analysis.
Electromyography (EMG) analysis
Events of electrodermal activity (EDA/GSR).
Respiration Analysis
Technical information of the product:
Analogue ports: 6 generic inputs
Digital ports: 2 inputs (1 bit) + 2 outputs (1 bit)
Resolution: 4 inch (10 bit) + 2 inch (6 bit)
Sampling rate: 1, 10, 100 or 1000 Hz
Battery life: >10 hours streaming
Communication: Bluetooth Class II
Range: Up to 10 metres
MCU: Atmel ATMega328p chipset
Battery: Built-in 3.7 V Li-Po battery charger
Size: 65 x 5 mm
medical use: no
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- BITalino Electroencephalography - EEG - Assembled Sensor
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- BITalino electrocardiography (ECG) sensor Assembled
- BITalino Electromyography (EMG)
- BITalino Electromyography (EMG) Sensor Assembled
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- BITalino-proven Bluetooth Adapter
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